The general focus of the GP&SL MEL unit is to assess the performance of projects, institutions and programmes set up by governments, international organisations, and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). This support service provided by GP&SL helps to improve current and future management of outputs, outcomes, and impact. To us at GP&SL, Monitoring is a continuous assessment of programmes/projects based on early detailed information on the progress or delay of the ongoing assessed activities. An Evaluation is an examination concerning the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of activities in the light of specified objectives. Finally, Learning is the process through which information we generate from M&E is reflected upon and intentionally used to continuously improve the organisation’s/a project’s ability to achieve results.
We lead the process of assessing, in a structured way, the case for proceeding with a project or proposal, or the project’s viability. This often entails comparing various options, using economic appraisalor some other decision analysis techniques before making recommendations to inform the clients’ enterprise.
Our M&E systems help organizations assess and manage performances so the right improvements can be made. If monitoring is to “warn and instruct,” and evaluation is “to judge the value or condition of something in a careful and thoughtful way.” then having an organisation, or a project/business to systematically plan and do this is non-negotiable.
We develop systems to help executives of an organizationmake decisions that advance the organization’s strategy and to implement the organizational structure and dynamics of the enterprise for managing the organization in a better way for a competitive advantage. Our MIS mostly consist of hardware and software that serves as the backbone of the organization’s operations. A system that helps the organisation to gather and collate data from multiple sources, convert it into information, and generate reports to inform management decision-making.
We help provide an analysis of the current situation to identify the starting points for a programme or project. This entails looking at what project-required information must be considered and analysed to establish a baselineor starting point, the benchmark against which future progress can be assessed or comparisons made. Establishing a baseline allows the organisation to assess performance throughout the duration of a project. Baselining can also help with Earned Value Management; a technique often used by project managers to measure and compare a project’s performance with its baseline.
Through Mid-term evaluations, we help assess the continued relevance of an intervention and the progress made towards achieving its planned objectives. Undertaking a Mid-term assessment provides an opportunity to make modifications to ensure the achievement of these objectives within the lifetime of the project. Essentially, it serves both learning and accountability purposes and seeks to identify any problems and constraints incurred by the project to date and formulate appropriate recommendations for corrective actions for effective implementation of the remaining year (s) of the project’s intervention.
We perform terminal evaluations upon the completion of a project, focusing on its efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability. Feedback from an evaluationcan strengthen advocacy and support sustainability; spread what works; help prepare organizations for leadership—and other crucial—changes; and provide an opportunity to build grantees’ own monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) capacity.
We support to plan and undertake both performance or impact evaluations that. examines a strategy, project, activity, or intervention at least one year after it. has ended.
We help to aggregate findings from a series of evaluations over a period. We could also help undertake an evaluation of the quality of a series of evaluations and its adherence to established institutional or a standard good practice in evaluation.
We also undertake special studies like Value Chains Analysis; Cost-Effectiveness Analysis; Feasibilities; Sub-sector Analysis; Social Returns on Investments (SROI); preparation of Case Studies: and many more.
Our business incubator facility is dedicated to helping businesses get started/expand by offering them the most affordable office space, workstations, and mentorship. The aim is to increase the possibility for a start-up business to stay in business for long while striving to boost the economy.
We provide monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) strategic planning, and capacity buildingservices to advance development effectiveness. We work with NGOs, communities, and local and national authorities to enhance their institutional MEL capacities, to allow them track progresses, identify spaces for improvement and ultimately inform policies and practice with evidence about what works, for whom, in what circumstances, and how and why.
We support organisations and third parties design and gather both quantitative and qualitative data and information on specific variables with the aim of evaluating outcomes or gleaning actionable insights. We believe that good data collection requires a clear process to ensure the data collected is clean, consistent, and reliable. We have a pool of well-trained and seasoned enumerators in all sixteen (16) regions of Ghana that are easily deployed for data collection, when necessary. They are mostly graduates with vast field experience collecting data for studies using mobile Computer Assisted Personal Interview (mCAPI) devices, and others as needed. Specifically, these people live in the regions and speak the indigenous dialects, impeccably. This recruitment strategy eliminates the cost of hiring accommodation for the enumerators and translators whiles on the field.